
                       应用经济学博士。主要研究方向包括技术创新活动的空间分工协作、城市群与区域协同发展、城市蔓延治理、碳金融与能源消费、共同富裕与县域高质量发展等。目前以第一作者或通讯作者身份在《中国人口·资源与环境》、《Sustainable cities and society》、《Economic Analysis and Policy》、《Journal of Cleaner Production》等SSCI/SCI/CSSCI期刊发表论文10余篇,参与撰写咨询报告2篇,且均获省部级领导肯定性批示。曾获博士研究生国家奖学金、硕士生国家奖学金、全国大学生创新创业挑战杯大赛国奖、全国大学生机械工程精益思想改善大赛国奖、贵州省研究生教育教学成果奖等荣誉。担任《Land use policy》、《Sustainable Cities and Society》、《Economic Modelling》、《Science of the Total Environment》、《Environmental Impact Assessment Review》、《Chinese Management Studies》、《Journal of Cleaner Production》等多个SSCI期刊和SCI期刊的审稿人。



2020.09-2023.12, 湖南大学,应用经济学,博士(提前毕业)

2024.02-至今       ,湘潭大学商学院,经济系,任教



[1]Liao B, Li L, Tian C H. (2024). How does the pilot policies of new urbanization improve uneven development?[J]. Economic Analysis and Policy, 82,86-103.(SSCI,JCRQ1,第一作者)

[2]Liao, B., Tian, C., Zhou, T., Han, L. (2024) Synergistic regional emission reductions in China: Network evolution, spatial and temporal characteristics, and driving factor. Ecological Indicators 162, 112026.(SCI,JCRQ1,中科院TOP,第一作者)

[3]Liao, B., Li, L. & Li, C.  (2024).Does the innovation community cultivation promote urban green development? Evidence from the urban agglomeration in the middle reaches of the Yangtze River. Environment, Development and Sustainability. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10668-024-04809-w(SCI,JCRQ2,第一作者)

[4]Tian, C., Li, L., & Liao, B*. (2024). Evaluation of the green development effects of heterogeneous agricultural cleaner production place-based policy. Journal of Cleaner Production, 442, 140969.SSCI/SCI,JCRQ1,中科院Q1,中科院TOP,通讯作者)

[5] Liao, B.,&Li, Li.Spatial division of labor.(2022), specialization of green technology innovation process and urban coordinated green development: Evidence from China. Sustainable Cities and Society,80,2022,103778.(SSCI/SCI,JCRQ1,中科院Q1,中科院TOP,ESI全球1%高被引论文,第一作者)

[6] Liao, B., & Li, L.(2022).Urban green innovation efciency and its infuential factors: the Chinese evidence. Environment, Development and Sustainability,4,1-23.(SCI,JCRQ2,第一作者)

[7] Liao, B., Li, L., & Yang Z. (2021). Perceived social green preference: the motivation mechanism of inducing green behaviour. Current Psychology, 41, 1-17.(SSCI,JCRQ1,第一作者

[8] Liao, B., Li, L. How can green building development promote carbon emission reduction efficiency of the construction industry?——Based on the dual perspective of industry and space. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 29, 9852–9866 (2022).SSCI/SCI,JCRQ1,第一作者

[9]Liao, B., Li, L. How can urban agglomeration market integration promote urban green development: evidence from China’s Yangtze River Economic Belt. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 29, 10649–10664 (2022).SSCI/SCI,JCRQ1,第一作者

[10] 廖斌,李琳,罗啸潇,刘莹.城市蔓延、创新网络联通与区域协同发展[J].中国人口·资源与环境,2023,33(06):128-137.(CSSCI来源期刊,环境经济学领域top期刊第一作者

[11] 李琳,廖斌,徐洁.中国区域“两业”融合效率测算与潜力优化[J].统计与信息论坛,2022,37(06):62-74.(CSSCI来源期刊,通讯作者,导师一作)

[12] 李琳,廖斌.金融集聚对绿色创新链升级的影响与空间效应[J].中南大学学报(社会科学版),2022,28(03):124-137.(CSSCI来源期刊,通讯作者,导师一作)





[3]产业集聚区主体动态博弈仿真系统(软件著作权.. 独著 2019.04)

[4]产业集聚区水体污染指数评价系统(软件著作权.. 独著 2019.04)



[2] 国家社科基金后期资助项目 “长江中游城市群创新共同体演化机制与治理体系”(批准号:22FJLB007),2022年,参与.

[3]国家社科基金后期资助项目 “‘两业’融合视角下的中国制造业高质量发展研究”(批准号:20FJLB025),2020年,参与.





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