Chiou-Shiu Lin, Ming Jin, Pei-Chi Huang, & Ran Xiao (2023). Does it take two to tango? The joint role of high-performance work systems and ethical leadership. Journal of Business Research (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jbusres.2022.113536 ) . (SSCI, ABS-3)
Chiou-Shiu Lin, Ran Xiao, Pei-Chi Huang, Liang-Chih Huang, &Ming Jin (2022). The more the better? How and when can high-performance work systems fuel the proactive fire. Journal of Management & Organization (https://doi.org/10.1017/jmo.2022.78). (SSCI, ABS-2)
Chiou-Shiu Lin, Ran Xiao, Pei-Chi Huang, & Liang-Chih Huang (2021). Composing the same song: When and how high-performance work systems can stimulate proactive behavior, Personnel Review, 51(9), 2388-2403. (SSCI, ABS-2)
Chiou-Shiu Lin, Pei-Chi Huang, Shyh-Jer Chen, & Liang-Chih Huang (2017). Pseudo-transformational leadership is in the eyes of the subordinates, Journal of Business Ethics, 141(1), 179-190. (SSCI, ABS-3, FT50)
Chia-Wu Lin, Chiou-Shiu Lin, Pei-Chi Huang, & You-Liang Wang (2014). How group efficacy mediates the relationship between group affect and identification. Journal of Business Research, 67(7), 1388-1394. (*: Corresponding author) (SSCI, ABS-3)
Shu-Huei Lin, Liang-Chih Huang, Chiung-Chuan Chang, Chiou-Shiu Lin, Po-Chien Chang, & Pei-Fan Chen (2013). The role of person and organizational variables in the three component model of occupational commitment. Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences, 30, 115-126. (SSCI, ABS-1)
Chiung-Wen Tsao, Shyh-Jer Chen, Chiou-Shiu Lin, & William Hyde (2009). Founding-Family ownership and firm performance: The role of High-performance work systems. Family Business Review, 22(4), 319-332 (SSCI, ABS-3)
Ming Jin & Chiou-Shiu Lin (2022). Does It Take Two to Tango? The Joint Role of High-Performance Work Systems and Ethical Leadership. Paper presented at the Academy of Management Meeting, Aug, USA.
Ran Xiao, Ming Jin, & Chiou-Shiu Lin (2021). How and When Can High-Performance Work Systems Fuel the Proactive Fire: The Substitution Effect of Leader-Member Exchange. Paper presented at the European Academy of Management Meeting, June, Montréal, Canada.
2022年,金 铭,武汉大学,企业管理方向,博士
2022年,肖 然,中国人民大学,人力资源管理方向,博士