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学术讲座:Child Labor in China
发布时间:2016/04/27   阅读:13204次

主题:Child Labor in China


主讲人:汤璨  中国人民大学劳动人事学院博士研究生


主持人:韩雷  副教授 副院长


Abstract:We  present  the  first  systematic  study  on  child  labor  in  China. Child labor is not a negligible social phenomenon in China; about 7.74% of children aged from 10 to 15 were working in 2010, and they worked for 6.75 hours per day on average, and spent 6.42 hours less per day on study than other children.  About 90% of child laborers were still in school and combined  economic activity with schooling. Our results show that child labor participation is positively associated with school dropout rate. A child living in a rural area is more likely to work. Compared  with  place  of  residence, the  gender  of  a  child  are  less important. The educational level of the household head and its interaction with the gender of the household head  seem  to  be  unimportant.  However, household assets per capita and household involvement in non-agricultural activities are negatively related to the incidence of  child  labor.  A  child  from  a  household  with  more  adults  is  less  likely  to  work.  The prevalence of child labor in China exhibits significant regional variations. The child labor incidence is correlated with the development level of each region: the Western region has the highest percentage of child labor, followed by the Eastern and Central region.






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