负 责 人 |
workshop名称 | 周 次 | 时间 | 地 点 | 报 告 人 | 当期主题 | 参考文献名称 |
刘洪伟 | 技术创新与知识管理研究中心 | 第一周 | 2016/3/3晚7:30-10:00 | 经管楼320 | 罗勤 | YOU DO NOT FORGET YOUR ROOTS:THE INFLUENCE OF CEO SOCIAL CLASS BACKGROUND ON STRATEGIC RISK TAKING |
【1】Twenge, J. M., & Campbell, W. K. 2002. Self-esteem and socioeconomic status: A meta-analytic review. Personality and Social Psychology Review,6:59–71. 【2】Waldman,D.A., Javidan,M.,&Varella,P.2004.Charismatic leadership at the strategic level: A new application of upper echelons theory. The Leadership Quarterly, 15: 355–380. |
罗蓉 | 农村金融与城市化研究 | 第一周 | 2016/3/3日上午8:30-10:30 | 经管楼102 | 英成金 | 总需求、空闲时间与失业 | AGGREGATE DEMAND, IDLE TIME, AND UNEMPLOYMENT |
杨汝岱 | 农村发展研究中心 | 第二周 | 2016/3/13日(晚上7:00—10:00) | 经管楼502 | 赵迪 | A New Method for Quality Estimation Using Trade Data | |
刘洪伟 | 技术创新与知识管理研究中心 | 第二周 | 2016/3/9晚7:30-10:00 | 经管楼320 | 陈银 | Knowledge stocks, knowledge ows and innovation: Evidence from matched patents and innovation panel data《知识存量、知识流动和创新:基于匹配的专利和创新面板数据》 | 【1】Perez-Cano, C., Villen-Altamirano, J., 2013. Factors that inuence the propensity to patent. Emj-Eng. Manage. J. 25, 27–38. 【2】Ramani, S.V., El-Aroui, M.-A., Carrere, M., 2008. On estimating a knowledge production funtion at the rm and sector level using patent statistics. Res. Policy 37, 1568–1578. |
杨汝岱 | 农村发展研究中心 | 第三周 | 2016/3/20日(晚上7:00—10:00) | 经管楼502 | 周彦 | Family Values and the Regulation of Labor;Brothers, Household Financial Markets and Savings Rate in China | |
谭燕芝 | 农村金融 | 第三周 | 2016/3/16日晚上7:00—9:00 | 春晖楼201 | 胡万俊 | Income Inequality, Poverty, and the Liquidity Income Inequality, Poverty, and the Liquidity of Stock Markets | Benjamin M. Blaua,2015: “Income Inequality, Poverty, and the Liquidity Income Inequality, Poverty, and the Liquidity of Stock Markets.” ,SSRN ,12 |
郭新华 | 中国家庭金融研究 | 第三周 | 2016/3/15日下午2:30-5:30 | 春晖楼305 | 胡丹 | 收入分配、信用配给和家庭债务 | Matthieu C, Peter F, Proaño C R. ,2012, “ Income Distribution, Credit Rationing and Households' Debt”, Metroeconomica, 63(3):458-492 |
刘洪伟 | 技术创新与知识管理研究中心 | 第三周 | 2016/3/16晚7:30-10:00 | 经管楼320 | 尹科 | the dark side of knowledge transfer:exploring knowledge leakage in joint R&D projects《知识转移的黑暗面:探索联合研发项目中的知识泄露》 |
【1】Sampson,R.C.,2004.ThecostofmisalignedgovernanceinR&Dalliances.J.Law Econ.Organ.20,484–526. 【2】Spender,J.C.,1996.Makingknowledgethebasisofadynamictheoryofthefirm. |
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