发布时间:2014/12/10   阅读:14500次



主讲人:邹丽萍 博士 新西兰梅西大学金融经济学院


时  间:2014年12月16日(星期二)上午10:10

地  点:湘潭大学商学院经管楼102会议室


邹丽萍博士简介: 新西兰梅西大学金融经济学院金融专业高级讲师, 本科毕业于山东大学计算机科学系, 获得梅西大学金融学硕士和博士学位. 科研领域包括: portfolio strategies, corporate finance, corporate governance, risk management, international finance. 在国际高水平金融核心期刊发表过多篇论文, 例如: Journal of Banking and Finance, International Review of Financial Analysis, Pacific Economic Review, Journal of Chinese Economic and Business Studies.




Contrarian Strategies, Investor Expectations and Sentiments:

The U.S. Evidence

AbstractThis study suggests that value stocks yield superior returns relative to glamour stocks because contrarian investment strategies exploit investors’ expectation errors. The underlying sources of these errors are investigated, results suggest that it is due to biases on analysts’ earnings forecasts. These biases create both positive earnings surprises and negative earnings surprises, and they have statistical significant impacts on stock returns. Negative earnings surprises have greater impact on glamour stocks relative to value stocks. We also investigate whether investors’ sentiments can contribute to the superior performance for value stocks. Results conclude that when the investor sentiment is higher, value stocks earn significant greater returns than glamour stocks.






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